.. highlightlang:: us .. _@f{legend_table}: @f{legend_table} ================ .. index:: @f{legend_table} .. us.tag @f{legend_table} NOTREADYENGLISH fieldfunction New5110 Changed5111 Creates a legend table for the data files used in the page or document. .. function:: @f{legend_table} .. us.comment **Comment** To create a new legend table right click on a diagram and select :ref:`diagram-insert-field-function`. Select the item ``Create legend for data files (table)``. Right click on the legend table to configure the legend. Choose the command ``Legend Table Configuration`` to open the following dialog box: .. image:: S:/uniplot-obj/images/legend_table-en.* For each data file a symbol, the data file name and the comment can be displayed. Up to 8 global file attributes can be selected. It is possible to display channel values in the legend as well. To do so type in the channel name followed by a period, followed by the point index. 1 for the first point and -1 for the last point. Example: ``rpm.1``. The order of data files and the file comment can be set in the :ref:`datadata-exchange-(document)` dialog box. If you want to modify the header row, type into the cell name the text x. The text x will avoid that the header cell will be updated automatically. The parameters are saved in the name of the table object. .. us.history **History** .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Version - Description * - 5.11.1 - Header row and 4 more attributes added. * - 5.11.0 - New. .. seealso:: :ref:`overview-field-functions`, :ref:`editupdate-fields`, :ref:`diagraminsert-field-function`, :ref:`tablefile-legend-configuration` :sub:`id-886451`